"Do not be late!" ran through my head as a shot rang out in my bedroom. I gathered my composure and drove to my first meeting with Dr. Jeanette Magdalene, deciding to investigate the gun shot when I returned.
She looked me straight in the eye and said, "I have a very important vision for you to paint". She described the world tree, it's importance in the cosmos and how the root system ties into the planetary grid.
As she spoke I realized that I had my own experience with such a sacred tree in India, called a banyan tree. It's been described as a hub of energetic interchange with the cosmic energy.
I came home to find a silver ball sitting in a conspicuous place on my floor. Picking it up I noticed a heart beat and a message to put the ball in a blue bag and hang it over the area where I will paint the world tree. A blue bag appeared in my closet.
I felt completely guided by the energy of this silver ball as I painted every day and night for 2 months. It felt like the silver ball was painting through my hands.
One night I heard a voice say "take my picture". I reviewed the images in my camera and noticed the distinct face of a Swami, turban and all. From that point forward, I could see his image directly in the silver ball and heard his guidance strongly.
It soon became apparent that Divine energies were painting a message through Dr. Magdalene's vision. Fully detailed images of Dieties started emerging from the background as if they painted themselves. I could feel a tremendous love trying to reach the planet.
The painting was in my car after I took it to be blessed at the Vedic Temple in Los Angeles, during a festival called Guru Purnima. A strong voice told me to deliver the painting that evening without exception. Exhausted, I called a meeting with Dr. Magdalene and drove to San Diego.
With tears in her eyes, Dr. Magdalene revealed that she was given this vision by an angel exactly on the day of Guru Purnima in Hawaii several years ago. After returning to her room, an angel appeared and sat with her for 4 days and nights straight. With very little food, water and no sleep, the angel made sure that she was given a full vision of the true connection the world tree has with earth and how we are all interconnected.
Dr. Magdalene is a gifted visionary and founder of Aware4life.com. She has been guided to teach and show others what Divine love looks like, sounds like and feels like. She currently tours around the world with this message and this painting of the "World Tree".
A reproduction of this painting is now available printed on copper. The transmission of this vision is intensely expressed through the image and the healing properties of copper.
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